A True Tail
A True Tail

Jungle Scene 1Tiger Lay There, Feeling Somewhat Hungry. As Tigers Tend To. Switching His Tail.Suddenly In The Glade Ahead Appeared A Fat Juicy Antelope.Ah Said Tiger, Dinner Time!He Crawled On His Belly, Inching Closer And Closer To His Lunch. But A Bird Chirped A Warning! DANGER The Antelope Looked Up, Saw The Tiger And Thought Oh, Oh, Id Better Make A Move. It May Be The Tigers Dinner Time But Its Certainly Not Mine!Stay There A Few Seconds Mr Tiger While I Get Myself Warmed-up And Ready For Action, Itll Only Take Two Switches Of Your TailBANG! Tiger Ate His Dinner Jungle Scene 2Tiger Lay There, Feeling Somewhat Hungry. As Tigers Tend To.Suddenly In The Glade Ahead Appeared A Fat Juicy Antelope.Ah Said Tiger, Dinner Time!He Crawled On His Belly, Inching Closer And Closer To His Lunch. But A Bird Chirped A Warning! DANGER The Antelope Looked Up, Saw The Tiger And Without A Blink Of An Eyelid SPRANG INTO INSTANT EMERGENCY ACTIONAnd So Was Often Seen In That Glade Again.Aesop?Your Interest May Lie In The General Sports Field. Carefully Building Yourself Towards Peak Performance, Towards Medals, Towards Sporting Glory. Fine. There Are Established And Highly Qualified Coaches Who Will Guide And Train You. There Are Established And Highly Effective Proven Training Routines, All Involving Preparatory Warm-ups.My Interest Is Quite Different. My Interest In The Martial Arts Is Entirely For Personal Protection. For Effective And Drastic Self Defence. To Survive!Therefore, Even Though I Trained As A Chartered Physiotherapist And Am An Area Coach In The Martial Arts -I DO NOT BELIEVE IN PREPARATORY WARM-UP EXERCISINGIf You Prefix Your Training With Warm-up Routines There Is The Greatest Danger That You Will Mentally Need To Go Through Them When You Find Yourself In Mortal Danger As The Mugger Rushes At You.There Is No Time!YOU WILL BE EATEN!REALLY TRAIN But TRAIN FOR REAL!