Mind Puzzles The Stories We Create
Mind Puzzles The Stories We Create

Mind Puzzles Bring Many Rewards. The Puzzles While Straightforward Can Sometimes Confuse You. Some Of The Puzzles May Seem Difficult, Yet You Can Study For A Short Time And Likely Find The Answer. Mind Puzzles Include The Word Association, Word Search, Mind Bogglers, Mind Puzzles, Riddles, Trivia, And So On. You Can Take A Single Word And Create Your Own Story, Or Else You Can Write Formulas In Math To Create Your Own Unique Mathematics. You Have So Many Options In Writing Your Own Mind Puzzles. How To Write Your Own Puzzles: Lets Start With Words. As A Word Analyzer, I Feel That Words Are More Effective In Building Vocabulary. First, We Are Going To Examine A Word. Next, We Are Going To Write A Story That Makes Sense And That The Word Fits Into The Story. We Can Also Break Down The Word To Create Other Words So That We Create Fillers. Word: Chronological Breakdown: On Logical Coal Log Ron Hal Hon Chico Local Gal Go No Logo Lag Goal Lain Logic Roan Loan Choric Halo We Can Continue To Discover Other Words From The Puzzle. As You Can See, One Word Can Take You Beyond What You Can Imagine. Now, Take The Words And Make Up A Story. Create The Story From Your Own Words. Example: In Order Of Time, Ron And Chico Spend Hours Relating To The Chronology Of Their History. They Spend Time Recalling The Gal, Hal They Both Admired Who They Felt Had A Halo On Her Head. As Chico And Ron Recalled In Chronological Order Their Events, They Remembered The Choric They Performed At The Chorus During High School. The Two Men Found Their Log Of Choric And With Roan Speckles, They Brushed Off The Log And Began To Read. Ron And Chico Took A Loan Out That They Would Keep Their Memories Fresh In Their Mind. They Set A Goal And Filled It With Lag So That It Would Go Successfully As According To Their Plans. The Two Men Did Not Intend To Move From Their Local Town, So They Used Their Log To Record Another Chronological That Made Logical Sense And Work Coordinated With Their Goal. They Placed Their Own Logo On The Log And Vouched Not To Lain. The Coal On The Fire Was Burning Hot As Ron And Chico Worked Aside Each Other Thinking Of Their Hon, Hal. This Is An Example Of A Mind Puzzle, Which You Can Take A Single Word And Make A String Of Words To Create A Story. Imagine The Power You Will Feel As You Start To Write Each Day. In Time, You May Write Your Own Stories Or Mind Puzzles To Inspire Others And Help Them To Learn Too. Mind Puzzles Are Fun. For This Reason, We Are Going To Do One More Puzzle. Word: Territory Breakdown: It Or Terri Teri Roy Toy Rite Tot Rot Ret Riot Tie Story: Terri Saw Teri On His Territory. He Felt Like Causing A Riot Until Roy Appeared. Roy Was Dragging His Favorite Toy Along With Him And His Little Tot Brother. His Brother Wore A Tie, Which Teri Thought Unusually, Yet He Didnt Ret The Information, Rather He Let It Rot In His Head. He Swore To His Ritual That He Would Never Dwell Or Ret Over Things When There Was No Need. Finally, It Was Time To Begin The Game. If You Continue Doing This Each Day, Imagine The Vocabulary You Could Build, Which Increases Your IQ And Intellectual Mind. In Addition, Your Mind Produces New Cells, Which Helps You To Live Longer.